Absorption Vulnerability

Absorption Vulnerability Scale- coming soon

Trauma Pedagogy

Trauma Exposure Taxonomy


Revised Trauma Egg and Resiliency Intervention

See: Compton, L., Schoeneberg, C., Drye, K. & Palen, C. (2022). Counselor preparation using the Revised Trauma Egg and Resiliency Intervention, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 19 (1). https://doi.org/10.1080/15401383.2022.2143976

Safeguarding: Prevention Model

  • Understand power differentials and dynamics, work towards balance of power in church
  • Recognize abuse and make reporting accessible and safe
  • Recognize and eradicate complicity
  • Increase skill building for providing compassionate trauma care
  • Understand absorption vulnerabilities to secondary trauma & the reality of trapped arousal- engage with our own stories and intentional metabolism of absorbed material to prevent compassion fatigue
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